Requests for purchase of materials from the current fiscal year’s book and media allocations areaccepted from July 1 to April 30. This time period ensures the orderly purchase and receipt ofmaterials within the fiscal year. Encumbrances for items not received before the close of the budget year are deducted from allocations in the next year’s budget. Any order requests received after April 30th are held until the new fiscal year. Each liaison librarian is encouraged to encumber their allocations on a regular schedule throughout the year.
Librarians observe the following order deadlines:
All year: Librarians should send through priority requests from staff, faculty, and students as well as priority material selected themselves. All requests must be sent through a liaison librarian for ordering. No exceptions.
By August 1st: Librarians should check the MICA Store for books used in classes for the Fall Semester to see if we should have them.
By December 15th: Librarians should check the MICA Store for books used in classes for Spring Semester to see if we should have them.
By March 1st: Librarians should designate if there are particular areas they would like to concentrate on collecting in the following year. These areas should fill an important gap within the library’s current collection. To request budget for this, librarians should compile a list of suggested items, their cost, total, and write a justification narrative and send it to the library director for consideration for the next fiscal year.
On April 15th: The Library Director will inform librarians how much remains in the library budget to use for purchasing.
On April 30th: Librarians should send their remaining requests to the library director for purchasing.
May 5th: All items should be purchased and 100% of the budget spent.